
SiLC Introduction Days


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14 Sep

Yorkshire Contaminated Land Forum 21st September 2018

Yorkshire Contaminated Land Forum
Professional development: A pathway from Graduate to Suitably Qualified Person
21st September 2018 At: University of York, Environment Department, Wentworth Way, York, YO10 5DD

The YCLF September 2018 conference is to be held at The University of York on Friday 21st September 2018 and is specifically targeted at individuals in the early years of their career, or indeed more experienced professionals looking to further their personal accreditation.

YCLF will be welcoming speakers from The Geological Society, Institute of Environment Management and Assessment (IEMA) and Institution of Environmental Science who will provide more detailed information about the chartership options and levels of accreditation available.

The event will take a closer look at the Brownfield Skills Framework, SiLC affiliate scheme and the National Quality Mark scheme, along with other accreditation schemes (such as SoBRA) and consider how these all interlink, supporting quality in our profession from the bottom up.

The event will also include a presentation from a coaching and mentoring specialist, dispelling some of the myths and exploring how both of these options, whilst very different, can help promote confidence and develop careers.

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