
SiLC Introduction Days


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04 Mar

Brownfield Summit 2021 by Environment Analyst’s Brownfield Intelligence Network 9-10 March & 20-21 April

The Brownfield Summit 2021 is brought to you by Environment Analyst’s Brownfield Intelligence Network, a thriving membership of brownfield professionals who come together for networking and learning opportunities to get the latest insights on industry trends. The event, which is supported by SiLC, includes two separately bookable online conferences on Ground Gas (9-10 March) and Groundwater (20-21 April), and has been designed for a broad range of brownfield professionals, including business leaders and early career professionals.

If you are involved in monitoring and risk assessing contaminated land or groundwater; installing, monitoring or verifying ground gas protection measures, or developing remedial strategies, then this event provides the perfect opportunity to update yourself on latest guidance and new good practices.

Listen to live online presentations, put questions to our expert speaker panels and network with fellow brownfield professionals through live chat and virtual face-to-face networking sessions.

For more information and to book click here

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