
SiLC Introduction Days


If you are interested in attending one of our Introduction Days, please email us to be placed on a mailing list which will alert you when an SiLC Introduction Day has been arranged. Your email will not be shared or used for anything other than for Introduction day information.


29 Sep

SiLC Questionnaire Results

In July/August a questionnaire was issued by IEMA on behalf of the SiLC Champion to registered SiLCs in order to obtain a wider understanding of the scheme and that the data may assist in future marketing and other development opportunities.

As part of the on going assessment and promotion of the scheme, it was the view of the SiLC Champion that it is important to seek the views of all registered SiLCs.

The results are now in and a full analysis of the results has been carried out. To view the report, please click here  SiLC Members Questionnaire.pdf (92.52 KB).

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