Interview process
Peer interview
The interview is the final part of the assessment process. In the event of a poor or incomplete submission, or an excess word count, the assessors have the right to refuse interview and the candidate will fail the assessment.
The peer interview will be recorded and the recording held at CIRIA. No copies will be provided to either the candidate or the assessors.
The audio recording will be destroyed at the same time as the written answer papers, which will occur about six months after interview. Recordings are only heard by members of the PTP, or the assessor panel, if it is necessary to clarify a query which has arisen from the assessment.
The interview process is outlined below:
- it is a 60 minute face-to-face interview with two assessors
- candidates should re-read their application materials and the SILC Code of Practice before their interview
- candidates may bring a copy of their application materials to their interview
- the interview will be recorded
- a verbal summary should be provided by the candidate (about five minutes) on their career development to the point of their current position and any additional information since making their application
- a silent observer may be present for SiLC Assessor training purposes
- the names of the assessors are not provided to candidates prior to the interview
- interview questions will cover:
- potential weaknesses and/or the need for clarification identified from the exam and IWS
- the SiLC Code of Practice
- broader subjects and/or recent developments appropriate to the profession
- candidates will be notified of the assessment result in writing. Candidates may like to use any feedback given in planning their own Continuing Professional Development
- results are not issued by telephone
- candidates must not contact or communicate with the examiners after the assessment. All contact and communication should be undertaken through the CIRIA Secretariat.
- appeals are only accepted if the Appeals Procedure is adhered to. Candidates should read the Appeal Procedure before commencing the assessment.
Once all three stages of the application have been undertaken, you will be required to sign a declaration to state that you will comply with your professional body requirements regarding CPD.