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06 Aug

Publication of Paper 3 SiLC/ CIRIA Soil CoP Workshop

The Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) Professional & Technical Panel (PTP) and CIRIA’s Soil Community of Practice (CoP) convened a stakeholder workshop on 1 February 2024 to explore alternative policy and regulatory approaches for excavated soils and other materials on development projects. The desired outcomes from the workshop included examining what good regulation and policy in this area would look like, the benefits that could be achieved, and the barriers to change.

This,  the third of tree papers, provides shortlisted ‘options to consider’ for future improved policy and regulation of excavated materials, which can be considered akin to a ‘green paper’. This follows the first paper, which provided the basis for the workshop and the key considerations that informed it, and the second paper which provided details of the scope and factual outputs from the workshop. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors only.

We would welcome any comments on the papers, please email with ‘SiLC/ CIRIA Soil CoP papers’ in the subject line.

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