
SiLC Introduction Days


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04 Jan

SiLC Annual Forum 2018: sponsorship opportunities

We’re pleased to announce that the SiLC Annual Forum is taking place on Thursday 19th April 2018 at the Royal Society of Chemistry in London.

This half day seminar is open to both SiLC’s and non-SiLC’s and will see approximately 70 practitioners working in the assessment and management of land condition and brownfield regeneration in attendance.

The Annual Forum not only sees top industry experts present on topical issues and concerns, but also provides companies wishing to increase their profile and raise awareness of their individual initiatives with a marketing platform.

This year, SiLC are offering the following sponsorship packages;

• Company logo on each attending delegates lanyard
• Entry for two delegates into the event
• A designated area to exhibit company initiatives, research and software. This exhibition space can also showcase marketing materials, literature and banners
• Company logo on the event PowerPoint presentation holding slide
• Company logo and overview on the event programme
• Company overview on the SiLC website
• Company mention on the SiLC LinkedIn page

• Entry for two delegates into the event
• A designated area to exhibit company initiatives, research and software. This exhibition space can also showcase marketing materials, literature and banners
• Company logo on the event PowerPoint presentation holding slide
• Company logo and overview on the event programme
• Company overview on the SiLC website
• Company mention on the SiLC LinkedIn page

• Company logo displayed across the catering areas
• Entry for one delegate into the event
• Company logo on event PowerPoint Presentation holding slide
• Company logo on the event programme
• Company overview on the SiLC website

• Entry for one delegate into the event
• Company logo on event PowerPoint Presentation holding slide
• Company logo on the event programme
• Company overview on the SiLC website

For price points and further information please email Caroline Kratz on

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