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26 May

SiLC PTP Appoint Champion to “set higher standards in brownfield industry”

The SiLC scheme exists to establish, promote and maintain professional standards in brownfield land assessment. SiLC is an accreditation for experienced individuals who have demonstrated a high level of competence in land assessment during their career and gained through examination.

Kevin Eaton, an existing SiLC, is taking on the role of SiLC Champion to develop the scheme to the next level of growth and success. His role will involve continued promotion of the scheme amongst professionals involved in the assessment of land condition and brownfield regeneration, raising its profile across the sector as the qualification of choice and increasing the number of SiLCs. Kevin said “this is an exciting opportunity to promote the benefits of SiLC across the sector. It is about setting higher standards in the industry.”

He will also be assessing opportunities for the promotion of the concept of SiLC “sign off”; for example in the context of the Soil Framework Directive, assurance is required by corporate governance and delivers wider benefits of quality and integrity to the public and private sector.

It is intended to generate external funding and to work closely with advisory bodies in order develop a strong foundation and network structure for the continued development of SiLC.

Phil Crowcroft, Chair of the SiLC PTP said “We are delighted that Kevin is taking on the role at this challenging time, and look forward to expansion of the scheme in the coming year.”

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