
SiLC Introduction Days


If you are interested in attending one of our Introduction Days, please email us to be placed on a mailing list which will alert you when an SiLC Introduction Day has been arranged. Your email will not be shared or used for anything other than for Introduction day information.


13 Jul

SiLC Training Day for October 2010

The date of the final SiLC Training Day of 2010 has now been confirmed.

The Training Day will be held in Manchester on Wednesday 27th October 2010 and will be presented by Peter Witherington.

The SiLC Training Days are open to all those who are considering applying to become a SiLC.

To book on to this date in preparation to become a SiLC, visit the IEMA website.

If you have any queries about the dates, please contact Alison Webb or call +44 (0)1522 540069.

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